Know About Mobility Scooters and Wheelchairs

 Mobility vehicles have gained tremendous popularity. Individuals who are unable to walk or move around on their own, patients with severe health conditions and senior citizens with certain mobility restrictions find these vehicles extremely beneficial. They get to experience the freedom to move around from one place to another, perform daily chores without being dependent on others all the time. Here we are discussing two types of mobility vehicles, mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs, along with their benefits.

Mobility Scooter

This type of scooter is equipped with a tiller and handlebars with typically three or four wheels. Those who find walking an issue can still stay independent by using a mobility scooter. Such a scooter type offers many social and mental health benefits. Let’s discuss-

Easier to operate

Allowed on public transport

Make daily activities easier for disabled or elderly people

These mobility vehicles like scooters generally require no license or registration

A wide range of models of mobility scooters in Australia, Brisbane is available

Wheelchairs with Power

The electric wheelchair comes standard with captain’s style – seating. It is operated by using a joystick and typically has 4 wheels or more. This type of electric wheelchair is equipped with a height-adjustable foot platform. And, when not in use, this foot platform can flip up. The benefits include -

Ease and convenience

Allows disabled people & patients to move around on their own

Mobility control remains with the person in the chair

Different styles and ranges of models are available

Availability of foldable motorised wheelchair

A leading and trusted service provider, Active Scooters, offers a variety of portable power wheelchairs and mobility scooters at affordable costs. The provider helps clients to select the right mobility vehicle type and model as per their requirements. 

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